
Angela Schmitt P’23: Giving as a Scripps Parent Matters

By Emily Glory Peters

Angela Schmitt P'23 with her family

Angela Schmitt P’23 knows that women’s colleges like Scripps are rare. Just as her daughter Zoe will this spring, Schmitt graduated from one herself, an experience that instilled an appreciation for learning environments shaped by women’s perspectives and leadership.

But this is only one of the reasons she’s been intentional about giving to Scripps.

“I was impressed by the College’s commitment to attracting diverse students, and wanted to show appreciation for the consideration given to Zoe, who received a merit scholarship that was incredibly generous. This made her feel so special and worthy,” Schmitt explains. “I wanted to ensure that Scripps could assist other students in the future who might hesitate to enroll without [financial help].”

Today, more than a quarter of the College’s budget is dedicated to financial aid. Contributions from families help Scripps increase much-needed support for scholarships to admit a student cohort that better reflects the world we live in. Fostering discussion and interaction among those from different backgrounds benefits everyone, Schmitt says.

“Scripps should be a safe space, but not so safe that students are never challenged by anything new or different,” she says. “Diverse colleges with wide offerings challenge students—that’s how you develop resilience and the confidence to weather different storms.”

“Each and every contribution can perpetuate Scripps’ mission”

To encourage fellow parents and families to support the student experience, Schmitt has become an advocate for , Scripps’ 24-hour virtual fundraiser.

Powered by our community, each year Day of Giving brings in critical funding that offsets the cost of Scripps’ operations, new initiatives, and the programs and resources students depend on. The event starts the morning of March 22, 2023, and concludes the following morning.

Schmitt says she hopes to break down some of the misconceptions that only “big” gifts make an impact—a concern she has also grappled with.

“I think it’s important that parents and possible donors know that each and every contribution can perpetuate Scripps’ mission,” she says. “If there is a message here, it’s that gift size doesn’t matter.”

In serving as an advocate for that mission, Schmitt is fulfilling several of the “Five Ts” of philanthropy: time (volunteering, attending events), talent (mentoring, presenting), treasure (donating), testimony (sharing one’s story), and ties (expanding networks for both students and the College).

Parents who engage in any of the Five Ts help ensure that every student receives the college experience they deserve—and foster the intimate community Scripps is known for.

“The Scripps parent community is very strong. I’ve enjoyed the chances to attend Family Weekend and care package parties and to meet with families who are brand new to share that it’s all going to be okay,” she says. “I’ll never be a Scripps alum, but I’ll always be a Scripps parent.”

Day of Giving is Wednesday, March 22, 2023! To learn more about how you can help, visit  and be sure to spread the word.
