DSLO Assessment Process

Step 1: Review and Preparation

During the summer, Academic Department Chairs and the Office of Assessment & Institutional Research (A&IR) meet to review and confirm the upcoming year’s assessment plan for each individual department, including learning outcomes and rubrics to be used for departmental assessment.

Step 2: Communication

The Dean of Faculty (DOF) Office communicates with faculty about the assessment process, including reminders. A&IR sends departmental rubrics by email to faculty serving as senior thesis readers for graduating students within their department.

Step 3: Assessment

Departmental senior thesis readers review pertinent student theses and complete rubric forms for Scripps students within their department.

Step 4: Reflection and Integration

&IR processes Fall and Spring DSLO rubric results and creates yearly summary reports. The reports are shared with Department Chairs. Results are integrated into departments’ annual assessment reports and integrated into decision-making context. The process concludes and begins again the next year.

Note: The DSLO assessment process is focused primarily on senior theses and occurs semesterly based on that semester’s graduates. All curricular departments undergo a program review every ten years, facilitated by the DOF Office, and supported with context from the Registrar‘s Office and A&IR.