Advice for Choosing Classes

Hi everyone! Since registration for next semester is quickly approaching and at the forefront of my mind, I decided to tell you all about how I choose classes every semester. I’ve gotten a couple questions about this topic recently since there are so many classes offered across the 5Cs that sound so cool. You would think it’d be overwhelming but it’s actually not at all!


For starters, as a first year, you’ll already be registered for Core 1 since it’s the same class for everyone, so you only have to register for 3 additional classes. Most students take 4 classes a semester which is pretty manageable. If you are planning to major in the natural sciences through Keck, you should take Chem 14 in the fall of your first year. It’s your standard intro chemistry class and it’s a prerequisite for a lot of other science classes.


Speaking of pre-requisites, we have some general education requirements (GEs) at Scripps. The good news is that with the exception of Core, you can take any class at any college to fulfill the credits. The GEs are: Core 1-3, Math, Natural Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Race/Ethnic Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS), Language, and Letters (similar to a literature credit). It’s recommended that you focus more on GEs during your first year especially if you’re not sure what you want to major in which is totally normal and fine! These classes will allow you to explore interests that you may not have otherwise which makes them really cool.


Serena and Sam wrote all about the ins and outs of registration, so I’ll spare you the details, but once you find the list of classes that satisfy a specific GE, the time comes to choose a class. Since Core is already in your schedule, you have to find other classes that don’t interfere with that. Class meeting dates and times are listed with the classes so make sure to create a schedule that is possible and also convenient for you. Luckily, some Harvey Mudd students created a website called Hyperschedule.io that lets you plan out multiple schedules. This is especially useful if you have a later registration time so you can have backups if you don’t get your first choice of classes.


Additionally, my best piece of advice is to try to find older students who have taken the class before you so you can gauge the pace and workload of the class and decide if that works for you. You can also ask about certain professors if you’re unsure about them. Don’t be afraid of upperclassmen! We’re always happy to share our wisdom and words of advice since we know that registration can be stressful for everyone but especially first years.


Finally, choose classes that interest you. You’re in college to explore your interests and find what you like. There are tons of cool classes to choose from so you’re sure to find something that suits you. Besides, you’re the one who has to take the class for 15-16 weeks so you should be mildly interested in it at least.


If you have any more questions about registering for classes, feel free to reach out at [email protected]. This especially goes for recently committed students who are still unsure about the process as a whole. That’s all from me for now!
